this week, the first yoga lesson of the year. starting with reflections on the new year. in my mind, the resolutions i think of, but haven’t yet written on paper. even though it’s the second week of january already. maybe i want to keep them lingering some more, still formable, still more alive than they might be when put in words.
one of them: write a novel. in German. get it published by a publishing house.
another: sort through all the things i own. let go of what i don’t need. make more space for the things that are precious to me.
and with that, in a wider sense: concentrate. intensify.
or, like someone put it in an art feature: make as much as possible with as little as possible.
this alreay reflects in the sunrise collage, based on the view of one single window.
and this one. printed on a memory stick: do more. share more.
also: just do it. and keep in mind that difficult things become easy by doing them, and easy things become difficult by not doing them.
this also refers to putting new year resolutions in ink.