this flower, i found it here in the garden, underneath the peonies that had blossomed in April. now it is August, and this flower, it isn't even a flower yet. it is just three hairy green leaves. "and how will you grow there, in the shade?", i say. the flower doesn't answer.
so i go buy a terracotta pot to plant her into, to move her to a sunnier spot. still i worry that it is too late already, that the year won't have enough sun left for the flower to finish its growth, that it will leave her unfinished, green, without
flowers. they are female here in Germany. die Blume. she flower. the opposite of flowers are trees. they are male. der Baum. he tree. and then there is the third
it happened years ago, in another city. it was summer, she's sure of that, as the heat was standing in the street, dense and vivid, even in the late evening. they sat outside, her and a colleague, drinking another drink, basically to postpone the moment of having to step into the hotel, into solid, temperature-filled space.
maybe it was the heat that melted the line between being colleagues and being friends, she still isn't sure of it. all she knows is that at one point, they were miles beyond small talk.
"there's this concept", her colleague said, her eyes suddenly all clear and open.
"or more something like a wish for life - to never
photo friday, challenge "unfinished"