wordsoulsthe book was sorted under c like cardenal
and had a mayan bird on its cover,
painted in coloured crayons
it dived into the metaphysics of language
right on its first page: the latin word carmen (song)
is derived from the sanskrit karma (holy ritual), it stated,
in a sentence so casual, so exciting. karma song,
i thought, my eyes lingering on a bird in the tree
who kept chanting, who speaks in notes, in verse
all his life.
photo: 25.3. - the return of the Rotschwanz, a migrating bird who prefers to spend the winter in Italy.
poem: sunday morning, 8/30
peek: wordsouls - "Wortseelen" is the name of the book mentioned: a collection of ethnic poems collected by Ernesto Cardenal, i came across it in the library.