BluePrintReview Issue #16 - LOST, FOUND & STOLEN
the new issue of BluePrintReview is online!
a thief's trilogy and a discovered entry in a blog induced the theme for this issue this time - an issue that developed like a journey, went On Some Road, where it met Nomads Like Us, circled in a spot of Black and White, got Lost at Sea, went through bitter days, and eventually was Learning to Swim.
now it reached the point of completion, and is out there in space, its open pages waiting to be found. as so often, the process of putting the issue together revealed unexpected connections between the submitted texts and images - the same shapes in different photos, counterparting paragraphs in different texts. returning themes: the loss, not of things, but of one's way. the slow speed of time, ashen and sunfilled. the bolting spin of days.
it's always a bit of an adventure, to see how an issue turns out - you can't really plan it, and that's the beauty of it.
here the link: BluePrintReview #16 - Lost, Found & Stolen.
enjoy the read ~~
(& an additional note - the issue had another cover image first, a sky/cloud moment. like so often, when the issue came to finalization, it seemed to call for another cover, leaving it to me to find the fitting picture. which this time was found... almost right in front of the doorstep, where the tulips stood in bloom. bright pure yellow, they all were. apart from one. which carried a swift red mark on its petal. as if touched by the brush of evolution.
they are whithered now, the tulips. here a group photo of them, taken at dawn, their petals still closed and sprinkled with dew. they return every year, but never before had there been one with a red mark.)
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