about 1500 before Christ, somewhere in Egypt, an artist engraved hieroglyphs into a black stone panel dedicated to a God. a couple of hundred years later, said stone panel went on an exhibition. or rather: a duplicate of it. i still remember how i stood in front of this panel, amazed, studying the symbols. eventually i opened my tiny travel diary, and wrote down the name of the God: Osiris. then i did something i hadn't done since i was a child: i smoothed the paper onto the panel, and brushed it with the pencil. with every move, more of the symbols appeared.
this is a photo of the page, the engraved symbols now transformed to bits and bytes, and moved to a coloured background.
- Inspire me Thursday, challenge: "image transfer"
The image is amazing but the text is astounding!
this is really cool!
Neat story and really cool art!
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